DART Evaporator Application Case Study

Another case study which highlights the almost immediate savings DART can make for your plant is this evaporator process fan application.
Controlled by a 500kW ABB variable speed drive, the process was seeing multiple annual failures. No reason for this was immediately obvious, but the cost in lost production was in the region of hundreds of thousands. Something had to be done as it was becoming unfeasible to continue the operation in this manner.
DART stepped up to the plate and our remote monitoring pilot unit was installed to monitor the condition of the drive and its environment.
It swiftly identified that the issue was temperature related; caused by the the recirculation of hot air from the inverter into the ducting handling the exhaust air from the inverter.
The answer was simplicity itself. Modified ducting immediately prevented the air recirculating, so keeping the drive cool, operating at optimal performance ...and happy.
Protect your valuable assets with proactive, predictive, condition-based monitoring. With DART it's more cost-effective than the alternative...
Prognostics could have prevented the failure of these drives. Better than scheduled maintenance, DART continuously monitors your drive and its environment, sending the results back to you via telemetry. Engineers would have been alerted immediately when the conditions these drives were in became sub-optimal.
See another of our DART case studies in the water industry